Miles Streetscape, ANZAC Park
The Miles Streetscape project has recently transformed the main street of Miles into a delightful precinct offering an inviting array of gardens and arbours in which to relax and enjoy the history of the town. Within these gardens are located timber totems depicting carvings and small snippets of history pertaining to early settlers and stories in the region. ANZAC Park is home to the start of the Miles Soundtrail which offers an interesting history walk around the town. Follow the Soundtrail map and enjoy learning about the history of the old buildings with many of the stories being told by our locals. ANZAC Park presents a relaxing area to stretch your legs and let the kids out for a play. A BBQ area is the perfect spot for a picnic lunch. The War Memorial incorporated into the site commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. Take a wander around the park and view the series of storyboards which offer an insight into the history associated with the region. An important relic is the Miles Gun which was escorted to ANZAC Park in 1957 on permanent loan from the Australian War Memorial. The Nahkampfkanone artillery gun is one of only three left in the world and has recently been restored.
- Facilities
- Barbeque
- Family Friendly
- Lawn / Gardens
- Picnic Area
- Public Toilet
Email Miles Streetscape, ANZAC Park
81 Murilla Street, Miles Queensland 4415, Australia